Saclepea is one of the major towns of Nimba County. These photos were taken on Sunday, February 18, 2007)

Ma Kou? For some reason the people in your ad just don't look like the type to drink gin - and certainly not straight out of the bottle!

A small market laid out on the ground. Pasta, beans, salt and other items are wrapped up in tiny quantities and sold for a dollar each. Since our smallest bill is a $5 note the buyer must get at least 5 items.

Martha (in the sunflower blouse) and her daughters cut and bundle freshly picked potato greens and palaver sauce leaves to sell at the market for $10 a bunch.
These are wonderful pictures. They remind me of Liberia when I was there 18 years ago.
A great job. I can't wait to read the rest of the stories from home.
Keep it up.
The people of saclepea are doing terrific by improvising to make better life for themselves.Keep up the good work guys.
Hi I spent almost one year in Saclepea and the difference between the begining and the end of my stay was really great. The residents are trying their best to improve their home. God bless them all.
A former UNMIL cop.
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